Euroscepticism in the heart of Europe



After the Hungarian and French elections, the issues of rule of law and Euroscepticism are becoming ever more important in the European Union. The result of these elections confirms a considerable rise of support for Eurosceptical parties around Europe. A consensual and general definition of Euroscepticism describes it as an opposition to the process of European integration. However, Euroscepticism undertakes a wide scope of various forms, and cannot be interpreted as a homogeneous phenomenon. These parties vary from far-left to far-right and from soft-Eurosceptic to hard-Eurosceptic. This highlights the need to capture the evolution of Eurosceptic parties and movements all around Europe to better understand these challenges. In order to achieve this, Political Capital is participating in an international consortium to organize public debates and assist in the creation of a Eurosceptic-Observer, a special webpage to monitor Eurosceptical parties around Europe.

As part of this project, our event will discuss the effects of Euroscepticism and Rule of Law issues in Central and Eastern Europe.



Date: May 13 2022, 10:00-12:00
Venue: online (Zoom)

Language: English



10:00-10:05       Welcome remarks

Adam Balcer, WiseEuropa


10:05-10:20       Introduction of the project

Rudolf Berkes, Political Capital


10:20-10:40       Presentation of the observatory tool and project partners

Adam Balcer, WiseEuropa

EUscepticOBS project partners


10:40-11:40       Roundtable of experts on Rule of law and Euroscepticism

Éva Bördős – director, DemNet

Dániel Hegedűs – fellow at the German Marshall Fund in Berlin 

Márta Pardavi – co-chair of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee

    Moderator: Rudolf Berkes – Political Capital


Please register on the following link:


The event is organized within the “EUScepticOBS: analyzing Euroscepticism, informing citizens and encouraging debates” project funded by Europe for Citizens programme that aims to foster European citizenship, while improving the conditions for civic and democratic participation at the European Union level.

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